Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Indigos and a Frustrating Life Journey

You are here to play your part in bringing heaven on earth. You may have a sense of having a big purpose, but don't know what it is. Does your path have ups and downs? Are you frustrated that people don't understand and change slowly if at all? Lots of indigos and non-indigos feel a pull towards purpose, but ache to know what it is and to get to work on it. Here you have all these incredible gifts - empathy, huge heart, see elegant win/win solutions, intelligence, high sensitivity, creativity, integrity, sense of justice (to name a few) and you don't know where you're going with them. This is a frequent challenge that I hear from indigos.

Consider someone with many gifts like you who might have experienced similar emotions. Jesus possessed uncommon and powerful gifts and spiritual wisdom. Coming from a historical perspective, consider Jesus as a man on a spiritual life journey. The stories say he discussed spiritual ideas with the religious elders at a very young age. You can imagine he wasn't at all like the other children and teens. He understood the spiritual and physical world at a far deeper level than anyone his age and perhaps just about anyone older than him. You can imaging that he would be frustrated that others just didn't get it like he did.

When people came to him for healing, he could sense their physical energy and mental and spiritual perspectives. He knew what people were feeling, if they wanted healing, and what to do to help them. As a man, he could very well have been mystified by these gifts no one else possessed.

There were times he simply had to leave the crowds and be alone. Sound like your experiences?

He very likely had a sense of a big purpose because he had such deep wisdom and many gifts. But can you imagine that, as he lived through each day the best he knew how, he did not fully understand his purpose? Can you imagine that he would feel frustration or confusion as he went on his journey one day at a time without knowing the end result? Imagine that as a man he never knew that his actions and his death would have a worldwide impact.

So, if your journey is hard, or hot then cold, or seems to have no direction or purpose, you're in good company. What if you held that the purpose of your life is being revealed in just the right timing? And that you are living it every day? Will you allow that to bring you some peace?

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Can Low Self-Esteem Threaten Your Health?

Having low self-esteem means that you don't think very highly of yourself. If you believe that you may have low self-esteem consider getting counseling or finding a life coach to help you overcome this issue. Low self-esteem can cause numerous problems that are a threat to not only your health, but also your overall quality of life. Therefore, it is important to do whatever you can to improve your self-esteem.

Having low self-esteem can impact your weight, cause stress and anxiety and other problems in your life. You might make poor decisions based on a bad self-image of yourself in almost any part of your life. From education to work to issues of health, you can make poor choices if you don't feel good about yourself.

If bad choices are made on a regular basis about any one of these issues then your low self-esteem can most definitely threaten your health. This impact is not just due to a bad diet, but also due to added stress and anxiety. Another often unconsidered factor regarding self-esteem issues is how more times than not, the issue of low self-esteem can be passed on through the generations.

Children learn by example and if a parent demonstrates low self-esteem the child will learn that. Low self-esteem manifests itself as a lack of confidence in your ability to accomplish anything. And, unfortunately, sometimes parents with low self-esteem act in ways toward children that can be damaging to them. It might be putting down the child for things they can't change, or using words and actions that are damaging to the self-esteem. And there may be no malice intended, we tend to repeat behaviors we learned in our childhood.

If you develop an attitude of "I don't care", it's possible you won't eat right or make good choices about your health in general. You may second guess your ability to succeed on any diet, or health regime. You may feel as if you cannot succeed in earning a college degree or specialized training if you don't think well of yourself.

If you have a problem with low self-esteem it is important to seek help with this issue. It can affect so much of your life apart from your health. You must know that you deserve to be healthy. You deserve to experience success in your life. Once you realize that you deserve it, you'll go after it, whatever it is, knowing that you can achieve it. There is nothing wrong with needing help to envision yourself in the place you want to be and devising the steps necessary to achieve your goals. Seek out a life coach that deals with issues of self-esteem and self confidence, and you'll be on your way to a brand new you.

Have a powerful day,


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