Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Is Old Emotional Baggage Stifling Your Authentic Self Expression?

Do you feel like your True Authentic Self is being suffocated by years of emotional programming from social and familial expectations that take priority over you? Do you live in fear that you may inadvertently express your True Self only to be rejected, criticized, ostracized, abandoned and humiliated etc.? Do you realize that means that you exist only as a slave to this programming and that means you are not really alive? Finally, do you know that it is now possible to permanently and powerfully free your self from this bondage, reclaim your right and ownership to your life and restore your self confidence, self esteem, personal integrity, emotional independence, resilience, and much more? Want to learn more?

The Authentic Self is the experience one has when they feel self confident, self assured, spontaneous, relaxed, peace of mind, clear, focused, resilient, empowered, purposeful, self trusting, self directed, free, independent, emotionally secure, self sufficient, positive, optimistic, joyful, fulfilled and so on.

So how many times in your life have you had such an experience?

Yes, perhaps you have had it fleetingly. If I tell you however that this is, and was, supposed to be your continuous and ever present experience of your self would you be shocked, saddened, angry, feel cheated or betrayed?

Well, the fact is, and you already know this in your Heart, that what was just said is the truth exactly because of the emotional reactions you've just had.

So try this, place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking to yourself from there simply affirm to yourself that you desire (if you do) to have this become your ever present experience of your self and of your life.

Then take a moment and tune into your internal experience and notice how you feel.

Some of you may be surprised to experience some of the very feelings that are associated with the Authentic Self. So what's going on, you ask?

Well, it turns out that probably for the first time in your life you have begun to experience what I refer to as your Essence or your Life Force Energy (LFE) emanating from and through the Heart. In other words you, i.e. your LFE is returning to and reintegrating with your mind/body through your "Heart Portal"!

Now you might ask, where was my LFE all this time if it wasn't in my mind/body?

Well that is a good question!

It turns out that from the moment you were born here your received messages that you i.e. your Authentic Self was not actually wanted or welcome. In other words you were born to meet the expectations of the adults in your life and that means you were essentially bred to become a slave/servant to those individuals.

How do I know this, you ask?

Well, have you ever felt like you were living out someone else's life expectations i.e. your parents for instance? Do you feel fulfilled, happy, and joyful in your current life situation? Do you ever feel an internal emptiness or like there is a lot more to you and to life that seems to elude you? Do you ever feel like a fraud inside?

These experiences are all a consequence of the fact that you sacrificed your self (your Authentic Self) in order to get the love, approval, support, acceptance, validation, etc. from the adults around you upon whom you depended for your survival.

This strategy may perhaps be a suitable one for a helpless, vulnerable and dependent child but is it suitable for what is supposed to be a mature, emotionally independent and capable adult? Absolutely not!

Yet, many individuals, without realizing it still walk around in the child trance like state where they sacrifice their authenticity and all of the positive resources inherent in it in order to maintain dependent relationships with others.

Do that sound satisfying to you?

Well, if not then I want you to know that it is now possible to wake up from those dependent child like states simply by permanently erasing or deleting the early childhood emotional baggage in the form of negative memories and conditioning that keeps you a prisoner.

A decade ago a new coaching process was developed that could do exactly this. An experience of this process is available to you for free if you go the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation that will begin to help restore you to wholeness today.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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