Saturday, July 7, 2012

Overcome Low Self Confidence and Meet Your True Self

It's within you to be able to change states and emerge into another way of thinking, perceiving and approaching how you operate, including how you overcome low self confidence. That is still just more of a fog of negative feelings and perception.

Whether you know it or not, as a human being you have enormous and untapped potential. You have unlimited talents and genius. You just haven't been taught to reach deep enough and start exercising them. Due to societal and cultural dictates, we've forgotten the true powers we have.

Waking up to another You

The first thing to do is stop your limiting train of thoughts, and get back into the present moment. This is how you shut down the thoughts and visions that cloud your own capabilities. One reason you may feel a lack of self confidence is your conscious observation and attention to those limiting thoughts. You must clear your mind and shift to thoughts and visions of self capability, clarity, certainty and decisiveness. Quite often, sometimes it's a matter of just deciding to be more self assertive, making decisions and taking a first step.

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Next is dealing with this condition on a deeper level. There are past experiences and memories that can go back to your earlier days. You had instances in childhood triggering this lack of confidence. Maybe someone, other kids, a parent, or a teacher said something to anchor a feeling of inability. However, by now it's residing in your subconscious. You may not even remember it until after you delve beneath the surface and search. You do have access to your subconscious. And it's critical you find the memory or instance, past or present, and clear it.

Effective Techniques

There are ways of accessing these issues and clearing them to make a clean canvass in which to envision a new self. You can use a particular once called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. It's a series of tapping certain points and simultaneously engaging in a self dialogue. To the uninitiated, it may look silly, but it works! Even if you've heard of it but never tried it, I highly suggest it looking further into this effective technique.

You can also do a process that provides a way to easily go in and bypass what's called "critical mind" that is the logical, left brain part. This is the part of mind that protects you from what it deems impossible, not realistic and tries to keep you a state of status quo. It wants to stay within the boundaries of what you already know or think. After you bypass this you can instruct your higher consciousness to install more empowering thoughts.

1) Take three deep breaths

2) Inhale relaxation

3) Exhale tension and any self limiting doubt and beliefs

4) Count from 5 down to 1 while breathing

5) Each number getting smaller and smaller until it disappears

6) Now engage your higher conscious and instruct to it bring forth visions and a new train thought of self capability, certainty and clarity

There are such techniques that involve both Eastern approaches that have been known and implemented over thousands of years with more recent Western techniques. In fact they simultaneously tap the body's energy system while delving into the subconscious realm of that fog of limitation. It's been known as energy-field therapy. In my opinion this dual approach is the most powerful.

We are in fact made of energy. And tapping into this current of energy and reaching the subconscious at the same time makes for exciting and unlimited possibilities. This means you can go in to the mind and form new self identities, feelings, ideas, visions and any potentiality you wish for yourself.

Remember this; to the extent you believe you have no power or control over the direction of your life, or you abilities, you volunteer to give up your inner abilities. There is such a thing called Self Efficacy. This is defined as your belief in your abilities to exercise influence over the events that effect you.

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