Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Unload Emotional Baggage That Suffocates Your Authentic Self Expression Today

Do you know that many people are unconsciously programmed to live lives that fulfill the expectations of others rather than their own? Do you know this is why many feel depressed, empty inside, inhibited, anxious, afraid to make mistakes or try new things, like a fraud, blocked in their creative expression, frustrated, stuck, unworthy, unsuccessful, weak, lost, needy, like they lack a sense of direction or purpose and like victims? Finally, do you know that it is now possible to expose this subconscious web of suffocating programming and permanently delete it thereby giving you back the freedom to breathe and express your True Authentic Self? Want to learn more about how you can get your life back?

You see the reason that many of you feel unwanted, unlovable, inadequate, worthless, defective, deficient, unattractive, insecure and so on is because you were bred and born to fulfill the needs of your parents and not because your Authentic Self expression was truly desired here.

Does that shock you?

Well it shouldn't because if you look at how you have lived out your life you may find that you're not feeling completely fulfilled. Why is that?

Well because it's not "your" life that you're living rather that which your parents (or other "important" people) in your life expected you to live.

You see, when a baby is born they come into the world in a "baby body" which makes them inherently unable to care for themselves. That makes them both vulnerable and dependent. That dependent state means that they must readily accommodate themselves the expectations of their environment if they are to survive.

Accommodation means sacrificing themselves or their Authentic Self expression to the expectations of the caretaking adults in their life. In many cases the parents expectations are self serving i.e. they are driven by the parents own unfulfilled dreams/desires.

An example of this goes something like this.

As poor immigrants a couple has a son and they have high expectations that their son will become a wealthy and successful doctor. These expectations are communicated both directly and indirectly to the son as he grows up. In an attempt to make the parents love and approve of him he finds himself doing well at school and gravitating towards a study in medicine. During his studies and later into his career he feels unfulfilled, unhappy with his choice of career, empty inside, confused about what he really wants, trapped and afraid to explore new things.

This is an example of an individual who has followed his parent's expectations and in the process has literally lost himself or his Authentic Self. In other words he has become a slave to his parents' expectations that he continues to carry within, control his life and suffocate his life force.

Such expectations are stored in the subconscious mind, in the form of a "program", and from there "pull the strings" on the person's life choices. This invisible subconscious "programming" can however now be completely exposed and permanently erased much like how old computer software is erased.

When this happens the individual begins to literally wake up from the programmed trance like state and "remember" who they truly are, what their innate dreams and desires for themselves are and become able to easily, effortlessly, confidently and securely start living them out.

This may seem hard to believe but I have seen how what appear to be huge and insurmountable obstacles shift rapidly, effortlessly and joyfully when one's Authentic Self is restored and returned to the "helm" of one's life.

How is this done, you ask?

Well, a new process was developed a decade ago that permanently and completely erases any/all early childhood emotional baggage in the form of negative memories, expectations, limiting beliefs etc. that form the invisible web that imprisons individuals in false lives.

An experience of this process is available to you free if you go to the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation that will begin to help restore you to life.

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